Meest bekeken - Plants and flowers |

Arum maculatum40 x bekekenAdam and Eve, Cuckoo-pint (Eng) Gevlekte Aronskelk (Ned) Gefleckte Aronstab (Ger) - Leaves and spathes

Arum maculatum40 x bekekenAdam and Eve, Cuckoo-pint (Eng) Gevlekte Aronskelk (Ned) Gefleckte Aronstab (Ger) - spathe/spadix

Dactylorhiza majalis subsp. praetermissa39 x bekekenSouthern Marsh Orchid, Leopard Marsh Orchid (Eng) Rietorchis (Ned) Übersehenes Knabenkraut (Ger)

Glechoma hederacea39 x bekekenGround-ivy, Creeping Charlie (Eng) Hondsdraf (Ned) Gundermann (Ger)

Mesembryanthemum cryptanthum39 x bekekenBabies' Toes, Blood Finger (Eng, in SA), Bloedvinger (Afr) Afzou (Arab) אָהָל מְגֻשָּׁם, Ahal Megusham (Hebrew)

Citrullus colocynthis39 x bekekenBitter cucumber, Desert Gourd (Eng) Kolokwint, Bitterappel (Ned) Handal (Ar)

Adansonia digitata39 x bekekenBaobab (Eng) Apenbroodboom (Ned) - with fruit

Barleria lancifolia39 x bekekenButterfly Barleria (Eng) Skoenlapper Barleria (Afr)

Aptosimum spinescens39 x bekekenKarooviolet (Eng) Doringviooltjie (Afr)

Aptosimum; A. lineare39 x bekekenCarpet Flower, Veld Violet (Eng) Veldviooltjie, Martha se viooltjie (Afr)

Aloe cryptopoda39 x bekekenDr Kirk's Aloe (Eng) Tweekleur-aalwyn (Afr)

Argemone ochroleuca39 x bekekenPale Mexican prickly Poppy, Mexican Poppy (Eng) Stekelpapaver (Ned) Bloudissel, Steekbossie (Afr)

Brillantaisia cicatricosa39 x bekekenGiant salvia (Eng)

Bambusa vulgaris39 x bekekenCommon Bamboo (Eng) Gele Bamboes (Ned)

Artocarpus heterophyllus39 x bekekenJacktree (Eng) Nangka (Ned)

Artocarpus heterophyllus39 x bekekenJacktree (Eng) Nangka (Ned)

Cyanotis; C. foecunda39 x bekekenPussy Ears (Eng)

Aloe; A. chabaudii39 x bekekenDwala aloe, Grey Aloe (Eng) Grysaalwyn (Afr) Inkalane (isiZulu)

Vachellia drepanolobium39 x bekekenWhistling Thorn (Eng) Fluitende Naaldboom, Mierenboom (Ned) - with bulbous thorns and ants

Abutilon mauritianum39 x bekekenCountry Mallow (Eng) Maumanda (Ksw)

Abutilon mauritianum39 x bekekenCountry Mallow (Eng) Maumanda (Ksw) - fruit

Drypetes natalensis39 x bekekenNatal Iron Plume (Eng) Natal Ysterpruim (Afr) - with flowers on trunk (cauliflory)

Furcraea foetida39 x bekekenMauritius Hemp, Giant Cabuya, Green Aloe (Eng)

Acacia erioloba39 x bekekenCamelthorn (Eng) Kameeldoring (Afr)

Anaphalis contorta39 x bekekenEared-Leaf Pearly Everlasting (Eng) Buki Phool (Nep)

Acacia auriculiformis39 x bekekenEarleaf Acacia (Eng)

Arundina graminifolia39 x bekekenBamboo Orchid (Eng) Ueang Pai (Thai) Phanyar (Malay)

Calanthe angustifolia39 x bekekenNarrow Leafed Calanthe (Eng)

Heliconia subulata39 x bekekenGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng)

Heliconia caribaea39 x bekekenWild Plantain, Caribbean Heliconia (Eng) Platanillo (Sp) - Yellow type

Crescentia cujete39 x bekekenCalabash Tree (Eng) Berenuk (Ind)

Garcinia mangostana39 x bekekenMangosteen (Eng) Manggis (Ind) - young fruit
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