Meest bekeken - Plants and flowers |

Impatiens glandulifera7 x bekekenHimalayan Balsam (Eng)

Gossypium hirsutum7 x bekekenMexican Cotton (Eng) Karpas (Hin)

Coccinia grandis7 x bekekenIvy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Eng) Tindola, Papasan (Ned) Kundru (Hindi) Gol Kaakree (Nep)

Coccinia grandis7 x bekekenIvy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Eng) Tindola, Papasan (Ned) Kundru (Hindi) Gol Kaakree (Nep)

Lagerstroemia speciosa7 x bekekenPride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle (Eng) जरूल Jarul (Hin) جرول Jarul (Urdu) Koninginnebloem (Ned)

Persicaria amplexicaulis7 x bekekenWhite Mountain Fleece Flower (Eng) Amli, Kutrya (Hin) Chyaau Phool, Raktaryaaulo (Nep)

Persicaria amplexicaulis7 x bekekenRed Mountain Fleece Flower (Eng) Amli, Kutrya (Hin) Chyaau Phool, Raktaryaaulo (Nep)

Justicia adhatoda7 x bekekenMalabar Nut (Eng) Arusa (Hin)

Luffa echinata7 x bekekenBitter Sponge Gourd (Eng) Bindaal (Hin)

Nymphoides hydrophylla7 x bekekenCrested Floatingheart (Eng) Kumudini (Hin)

Justicia adhatoda7 x bekekenMalabar Nut (Eng) Arusa (Hin)

Tigridia pavonia7 x bekekenTiger Flower, Mexican Shell Flower (Eng) Tijgerbloem (Ned)

Tectona grandis7 x bekekenIndian-Oak, Teak (Eng) Sagun (Hin)

Phyllodium pulchellum7 x bekekenShowy Desmodium (Eng) Jatsalpan (Hin)

Osbeckia nepalensis7 x bekekenNepal Osbeckia (Eng)

Strobilanthes dalhousieanus7 x bekekenDalhousie Blue Bells (Eng) Machine (Hin)

Strobilanthes dalhousieanus7 x bekekenDalhousie Blue Bells (Eng) Machine (Hin)

Cleome speciosa7 x bekekenShowy Spider Flower (Eng)

Woodfordia fruticosa7 x bekekenFire Flame Bush (Eng) Dhawai (Hin)

Scutellaria grossa7 x bekekenThick Skullcap (Eng)

Zingiber spectabile7 x bekekenBeehive Ginger (Eng)

Jatropha integerrima7 x bekekenSpicy Jatropha (Eng)

Pittosporum ramiflorum7 x bekekenMera Meke (Loc)

Rubus moluccanus7 x bekekenCeylon Blackberry, Molucca Bramble (Eng)

Dracaena hyacinthoides7 x bekekenSomali Hemp, Snake plant (Eng) Lidah mertua (Ind) Sanseveria (Ned)

Platycerium bifurcatum7 x bekekenElkhorn Fern (Eng) Paku Tanduk Rusa (Ind)

Theobroma cacao7 x bekekenCacao Tree (Eng) Kakao (Ind)

Codiaeum variegatum7 x bekekenGarden Croton (Eng) Puring (Ind)

Codiaeum variegatum7 x bekekenGarden Croton (Eng) Puring (Ind)

Crotalaria pallida7 x bekekenStreaked Rattlepod, Smooth Rattlepod (Eng)

Cochlospermum gillivraei7 x bekekenNative Kapok Tree (Eng)

Calytrix; C. exstipulata7 x bekekenTurkey Bush (Eng)
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