Meest bekeken - Plants and flowers |

Verbesina encelioides10 x bekekenGolden Crownbeard (Eng)

Prunella vulgaris10 x bekekenCommon Self-Heal (Eng)

Merremia vitifolia10 x bekekenGrape-leaf Woodrose (Eng) - inset: fruit

Lindenbergia; L. grandiflora10 x bekekenLarge-Flower Lindenbergia (Eng) Bhendiphool, Binaas, Dhurset (Nep)

Lasianthus cyanocarpus10 x bekekenSjiloh (on Borneo)

Lasianthus cyanocarpus10 x bekekenSjiloh (on Borneo)

Persicaria chinensis10 x bekekenChinese Knotweed, Creeping Smartweed (Eng)

Vaccinium varingiaefolium10 x bekeken

Elaeocarpus grandiflorus10 x bekekenLily of the Valley Tree (Eng) Anyang-Anyang (Ind)

Martynia annua10 x bekekenTiger's Claw (Eng)

Pseuderanthemum polyanthum10 x bekeken

Erodium; E. cygnorum10 x bekekenBlue Heron's Bill (Eng)

Quoya atriplicina10 x bekekenSaltbush Foxglove (Eng)

Portulaca pilosa10 x bekekenPink Purslane (Eng)

Calandrinia; C. ptychosperma10 x bekekenCreeping Parakeelya (Eng)

Mahonia napaulensis10 x bekekenNepal Barberry (Eng) जमाने मान्द्रो Jamaane Maandro (Nep)

Lycopodium; L. japonicum10 x bekekenClub Moss (Eng) नागबेली Naagabelee (Nep)

Lycopodium; L. japonicum10 x bekekenClub Moss (Eng) नागबेली Naagabelee (Nep)

Coronidium waddelliae10 x bekekenBranched Everlasting (Eng)

Coronidium waddelliae10 x bekekenBranched Everlasting (Eng)

Trianthema; T. turgidifolium10 x bekeken

Trianthema; T. turgidifolium10 x bekeken

Rhododendron ponticum10 x bekekenCommon Rhododendron, Pontic Rhododendron (Eng) Pontische Rododendron (Ned) Pontischer Rhododendron (Ger)

Philadelphus coronarius10 x bekekenSweet Mock Orange, English Dogwood (Eng) Boerenjasmijn (Ned) Europäischer Pfeifenstrauch (Ger)

Weigela; W. florida10 x bekekenOld-fashioned Weigela (Eng) Chinese weigelia (Ned) Liebliche Weigelie (Ger)

Geranium phaeum10 x bekekenDusky Crane's-bill (Eng) Donkere Ooievaarsbek (Ned) Brauner Storchschnabel (Ger)

Lathyrus latifolius10 x bekekenBroad-leaved Everlasting-pea, Perennial Pea (Eng) Brede Lathyrus (Ned) Breitblättrige Platterbse (Ger)

Erica tetralix10 x bekekenCross-leaved Heath (Eng) Gewone Dophei (Ned) Glocken-Heide (Ger)

Erica tetralix10 x bekekenCross-leaved Heath (Eng) Gewone Dophei (Ned) Glocken-Heide (Ger)

Argemone mexicana10 x bekekenMexican Poppy (Eng) Geelblom-Bloudissel (Afr) Stekelpapaver (Ned)

Euphorbia cyparissias10 x bekekenCypress Spurge (Eng) Cipreswolfsmelk (Ned) Zypressen-Wolfsmilch (Ger)

Corylus avellana10 x bekekenCommon Hazel (Eng) Hazelaar (Ned) Gemeine Hasel (Ger)
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