Meest bekeken - Plants and flowers |

Nepenthes sp.10 x bekeken

Nephelium lappaceum10 x bekekenRambutan (Eng), Ramboetan (Ned) Rambutanbaum (Ger) - fruit

Scaevola taccada10 x bekekenBeach Cabbage, Half Flower (Eng) Merambong (Malay)

Pandanus odorifer10 x bekekenScrew Pine (Eng)

Echinodorus palifolius10 x bekekenMexican Sword Plant (Eng)

Echinodorus palifolius10 x bekekenMexican Sword Plant (Eng)

Nepenthes; N. rafflesiana10 x bekekenRaffles' Pitcher Plant (Eng)

Mussaenda erythrophylla x philipica10 x bekekenMussaenda 'Queen Sirikit' (Eng)

Codonoboea platypus10 x bekekenMeroyan Kabut (Mal)

Codonoboea; C. sallehuddiniana10 x bekeken

Piper nigrum10 x bekekenCommon Pepper, Black Pepper (Eng)

Gomphocarpus physocarpus10 x bekekenBalloonplant (Eng)

Gomphocarpus physocarpus10 x bekekenBalloonplant (Eng) - fruits

Sechium edule10 x bekekenChayote (Eng) Labu Jipang (Ind) - fruit

Rhododendron; R. retusum10 x bekekenBlunt-leaved Rhododendron (Eng)

Shorea pinanga10 x bekekenMeranti (Ind) - winged fruit

Sagittaria lancifolia10 x bekekenBulltongue Arrowhead (Eng)

Sagittaria montevidensis10 x bekekenGiant Arrowhead (Eng)

Eugenia; E. reinwardtiana10 x bekekenCedar Bay Cherry (Eng) - old flower

Cinnamomum camphora10 x bekekenKamphor Tree (Eng) Laurel Kamper (Ind)

Banksia spinulosa10 x bekekenHairpin Banksia (Eng)

Drosera sp. 10 x bekekenSundew (Eng) - Pygmy Group.

Dracophyllum secundum10 x bekekenNecklace Heath (Eng)

Cochlospermum gillivraei10 x bekekenNative Kapok Tree (Eng)

Calytrix; C. exstipulata10 x bekekenTurkey Bush (Eng)

Dodonaea viscosa10 x bekekenBroad Leaf Hopbush (Eng) - branch with capsules

Eremophila elderi10 x bekekenEmu Bush (Eng)

Eremophila elderi10 x bekekenEmu Bush (Eng)

Eremophila polyclada10 x bekekenTwiggy Emu Bush (Eng)

Gazania linearis10 x bekekenTreasure Flower (Eng)

Evolvulus glomeratus10 x bekekenBlue Daze (Eng)

Gompholobium virgatum10 x bekekenLeafy Wedge Pea (Eng)
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