Meest bekeken - Plants and flowers |

Lagerstroemia speciosa11 x bekekenPride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle (Eng) जरूल Jarul (Hin) جرول Jarul (Urdu) Koninginnebloem (Ned)

Zephyranthes candida11 x bekekenFairy Lily, Rain Lily (Eng)

Solanum melongena11 x bekekenEggplant, Aubergine (Eng) Baingan (Hin)

Reinwardtia indica11 x bekekenYellow Flax (Eng) Pyauli (Nep) Basanti (Hin)

Hedychium coccineum11 x bekekenOrange Ginger Lily (Eng)

Hedychium coccineum11 x bekekenOrange Ginger Lily (Eng)

Rosa sericea11 x bekekenSilky Rose (Eng) Bhote Gulaf (Nep) Jangali-gulab (Hin)

Mussaenda roxburghii11 x bekekenHimalayan Mussaenda (Eng)

Hylocereus undatus11 x bekekenPitaya, Dragon Fruit (Eng) Kaeo Mangkon (Thai) - Plantation

Coccinia grandis11 x bekekenIvy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Eng) Tindola, Papasan (Ned) Tamleung (Thai)

Pandanus odorifer11 x bekekenScrew Pine (Eng) - fruit

Guettarda speciosa11 x bekekenBeach Gardenia (Eng)

Ixora; I. lobbii11 x bekekenGlossy Ixora (Eng)

Nepenthes sp.211 x bekekenPitcher Plant (Eng) - pitcher

Nepenthes sp.211 x bekekenPitcher Plant (Eng) - leaves

Scaevola taccada11 x bekekenBeach Cabbage, Half Flower (Eng) Merambong (Malay)

Cerbera manghas11 x bekekenSea Mango (Eng) Bintaro (Malay) - fruit

Clidemia hirta11 x bekekenSoapbush (Eng)

Heliconia collinsiana11 x bekeken

Heliconia collinsiana11 x bekeken

Passiflora; P. racemosa11 x bekekenRed Passion Flower (Eng)

Nymphaea pubescens11 x bekekenHairy Water Lily (Eng) Teratai (Ind)

Vaccinium varingiaefolia11 x bekekenArngoni, Cantigi Wungu (Ind)

Malvaviscus penduliflorus11 x bekekenPendulous Sleeping Hibiscus (Eng)

Zingiber; Z. Zerumbet11 x bekekenShampoo Ginger (Eng) Lempuyang (Ind)

Eugenia; E. reinwardtiana11 x bekekenCedar Bay Cherry (Eng) - old flower

Doryanthes excelsa11 x bekekenGymea Lily (Eng)

Doryanthes excelsa11 x bekekenGymea Lily (Eng)

Carpobrotus glaucescens11 x bekekenPig Face (Eng)

Carpobrotus glaucescens11 x bekekenPig Face (Eng)

Conospermum stoechadis11 x bekekenSmoke Bush (Eng)

Cyphanthera racemosa11 x bekekenLarge white Tailflower (Eng)
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