Cleome foliosa23 x bekekenYellow Glory (Eng)

Welwitschia mirabilis23 x bekekenWelwitschia (Afr/Eng) Tweeblaarkanniedood (Afr) - male plant

Datura innoxia23 x bekekenAngel's Trumpet, Hoary Thorn Apple (Eng) Harige Stinkblaar (Afr) Grootbloemige Doornappel (Ned)

Penaea sarcocolla23 x bekekenCape Fellwort (Eng) Vlieƫbossie (Afr)

Protea punctata23 x bekekenWater White Sugarbush (Eng) Waterwitsuikerbos, Angeliersuikerbos (Afr)

Protea aurea23 x bekekenShuttlecock Protea (Eng) Geel Suikerkan (Afr)

Haemanthus albiflos23 x bekekenPaintbrush, White Blood-lily (Eng) Poederkwast (Ned) Witpoeierkwas (Afr) Uzaneke (Zulu)

Erythrina lysistemon23 x bekekenCommon Coral Tree (Eng) Gewone koraalboom (Afr) Umsinsi (Zulu)

Monstera deliciosa23 x bekekenSplit-leaf Philodendron (Eng) Gatenplant (Ned) Geraamteplant (Afr) - fruit (inflorescence with spathe in the background)

Euphorbia pulcherrima23 x bekekenPoinsettia, Lobster Plant (Eng) Kerstster (Ned) Poinsettia (Afr)

Combretum; C. paniculatum23 x bekekenBurning Bush, Forest Flame-creeper (Eng) bosvlamklimop (Afr)

Kalanchoe delagoensis23 x bekekenMother of Millions, Chandelier Plant (Eng) Muizestaartjes (Ned) Kandelaarplant, Nenta (Afr)

Zantedeschia aethiopica23 x bekekenCommon Arum lily (Eng) Witte Aronskelk (Ned) Wit Varkoor (Afr)

Helichrysum nitens23 x bekeken

Cyperus papyrus 23 x bekekenPapyrus Sedge (Eng) Papyrusriet (Ned) Papirus (Afr)

Kigelia africana23 x bekekenSausage Tree (Eng) Worsboom (Afr) Worstenboom (Ned)

Plumeria rubra23 x bekekenFrangipani tree (Eng) Frangipani, Tempelboom (Ned)

Plumeria rubra23 x bekekenFrangipani tree (Eng) Frangipani, Tempelboom (Ned)

Haumaniastrum villosum23 x bekeken

Lobelia giberroa23 x bekekenGiant Lobelia (Eng) Reuzenlobelia (Ned) Intomvu (Loc)

Nymphaea nouchali23 x bekekenBlue Lotus, Blue Water Lily (Eng) Blauwe Lotus (Ned) Blouwaterlelie, Kaaimanblom (Afr)

Platycerium elephantotis23 x bekekenStaghorn Fern, Elephant's Ear (Eng)

Thunbergia alata23 x bekekenBlack-eyed Susan (Eng) Suzanne-met-de-mooie-ogen (Ned)
Swartoognooi (Afr)

Theobroma cacao23 x bekekenCocoa Tree, Cacao Tree (Eng) Cacaoboom (Ned)

Theobroma cacao23 x bekekenCocoa Tree, Cacao Tree (Eng) Cacaoboom (Ned)

Eichhornia crassipes23 x bekekenWater hyacinth (Eng) Waterhyacint (Ned)

Pseudomussaenda flava23 x bekekenYellow Mussaenda, White Wings (Eng)

Justicia flava23 x bekekenYellow justicia (Eng) Geelgarnaalbos (Afr)

Coleus barbatus23 x bekekenIndian Borage, Woolly Plectranthus (Eng)

Tecoma capensis23 x bekekenCape Honeysuckle (Eng) Kaapse kanferfoelie (Afr)

Ipomoeae; I cicatricosa23 x bekekenMorning Glory (Eng)

Cordia Africana23 x bekekenLarge-leaved Cordia, Sudan Tree (Eng) Wanza (Amharic) Grootblaarpieringbessie (Afr)
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