Meest bekeken - Flowers yellow/green |

Limnocharis flava45 x bekekenYellow Sawah Lettuce (Eng) Genjer (Ind)

Limnocharis flava44 x bekekenYellow Sawah Lettuce (Eng) Genjer (Ind)

Grammatophyllum speciosum42 x bekekenTiger Orchid, Queen of Orchids (Eng) Anggrek Raksasa (Ind)

Heliconia caribaea41 x bekekenWild Plantain, Caribbean Heliconia (Eng) Platanillo (Sp) - Yellow type

Acacia auriculiformis40 x bekekenEarleaf Acacia (Eng)

Heliconia subulata40 x bekekenGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng)

Heliconia caribea40 x bekekenYellow type

Acacia auriculiformis39 x bekekenEarleaf Acacia (Eng)

Gnetum; G. montanum39 x bekekenGam nui (Viet) - male flowers

Heliconia subulata39 x bekekenGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng)

Heliconia subulata39 x bekekenGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng)

Globba marantina38 x bekekenDancing Girl Ginger (Eng)

Amomum sp. 38 x bekeken

Anthurium andraeanum37 x bekekenFlamingo Flower, Tailflower (Eng) Lakanthurium (Ned) Kuping Gajah Merah (Mal) - Spadix and spatha

Impatiens sp.37 x bekekenJewelweed, Touch-me-not (Eng)

Hibiscus tiliaceus36 x bekekenSea Hibiscus (Eng)

Anthurium andraeanum36 x bekekenFlamingo Flower, Tailflower (Eng) Lakanthurium (Ned) Kuping Gajah Merah (Mal) - Spadix with yellow flowers and berries

Globba; G. atrosanguinea36 x bekekenDancing Lady Ginger (Eng)

Anthurium andraeanum35 x bekekenFlamingo Flower, Tailflower (Eng) Lakanthurium (Ned) Kuping Gajah Merah (Mal) - Spadix and spatha

Heliconia hirsuta35 x bekekenPlatanillo Fosforito (Sp)

Globba schomburgkii35 x bekekenYellow Dancing Girl Ginger (Eng)

Crotalaria sp.35 x bekekenRattlepod (Eng)

Ludwigia peruviana35 x bekekenPeruvian Primrose (Eng)

Globba marantina34 x bekekenDancing Girl Ginger (Eng)

Dillenia suffruticosa34 x bekekenShrubby Simpoh (Eng) Simpuh Air (Malay)

Heliconia hirsuta34 x bekekenPlatanillo Fosforito (Sp)

Crotalaria sp.34 x bekekenRattlepod (Eng)

Globba; G. atrosanguinea34 x bekekenDancing Lady Ginger (Eng)

Gnetum; G. montanum33 x bekekenGam nui (Viet) - male flowers

Parkinsonia aculeata33 x bekekenJerusalem Thorn, Mexican Palo Verde (Eng)

Amomum sp. 32 x bekeken

Bulbophyllum; B. angustifolium26 x bekekenNarrow-Leafed Bulbophyllum (Eng)
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