Laatste toevoegingen - Plants and flowers |

Strelitzia reginaeBird-of-paradise (Eng) Paradijsvogelbloem (Ned) Kraanvoëlblom (Afr)10 nov, 2012

Clivia gardeniiMajor Garden's Clivia, Natal Drooping Clivia (Eng) Boslelie (Afr) Umayime (Zulu)10 nov, 2012

Clivia gardeniiMajor Garden's Clivia, Natal Drooping Clivia (Eng) Boslelie (Afr) Umayime (Zulu)10 nov, 2012

Monstera deliciosaSplit-leaf Philodendron (Eng) Gatenplant (Ned) Geraamteplant (Afr) - leaf10 nov, 2012

Monstera deliciosaSplit-leaf Philodendron (Eng) Gatenplant (Ned) Geraamteplant (Afr) - fruit (inflorescence with spathe in the background)10 nov, 2012

Monstera deliciosaSplit-leaf Philodendron (Eng) Gatenplant (Ned) Geraamteplant (Afr)10 nov, 2012

Senna didymobotryaAfrican Senna, Candelabra Tree (Eng)10 nov, 2012

Solanum mauritianumWoolly Nightshade, Earleaf Nightshade (Eng)Groot Bitterappel, Luisboom (Afr) Igayintombi (Zulu)10 nov, 2012

Cucumis; C. zeyheriWild Cumcumber (Eng) Wilde-agurkie, Bitterappel (Afr) Inhlakahlela (Zulu)10 nov, 2012

Strelitzia reginaeBird-of-paradise (Eng) Paradijsvogelbloem (Ned) Kraanvoëlblom (Afr)09 nov, 2012

Hypoestes aristataRibbon Bush (Eng) Lintbos, Seeroogblommetjie (Afr) uhlalwane (Zulu)09 nov, 2012

Erythrina lysistemonCommon Coral Tree (Eng) Gewone koraalboom (Afr) Umsinsi (Zulu)09 nov, 2012

Hypoestes aristataRibbon Bush (Eng) Lintbos, Seeroogblommetjie (Afr) uhlalwane (Zulu)09 nov, 2012

Dietes iridioidesCape iris, African Iris (Eng) Wilde-iris (Afr)09 nov, 2012

Silene burchelliiGunpowder plant, African Catchfly (Eng) Kruitbossie (Afr)09 nov, 2012

Aloe arborescensKrantz aloe (Eng) Kransaalwyn (Afr) Kandelaaraloë (Ned)09 nov, 2012

Aloe arborescensKrantz aloe (Eng) Kransaalwyn (Afr) Kandelaaraloë (Ned)09 nov, 2012

Euphorbia pulcherrimaPoinsettia, Lobster Plant (Eng) Kerstster (Ned) Poinsettia (Afr)09 nov, 2012

Euphorbia pulcherrimaPoinsettia, Lobster Plant (Eng) Kerstster (Ned) Poinsettia (Afr)09 nov, 2012

Hypoxis angustifoliaYellow star Star Lily (Eng) Sterretjie (Afr) Inkomfe, Ilabatheka (isiZulu)07 nov, 2012

Hypoxis angustifoliaYellow star Star Lily (Eng) Sterretjie (Afr) Inkomfe, Ilabatheka (isiZulu)07 nov, 2012

Bulbine abyssinicaBushy Bulbine (Eng) Geelkatstert (Afr) Ibhucu (Zulu) Intelezi (Xhosa) - inflorescence07 nov, 2012

Bulbine abyssinicaBushy Bulbine (Eng) Geelkatstert (Afr) Ibhucu (Zulu) Intelezi (Xhosa) - inflorescence07 nov, 2012

Bulbine abyssinicaBushy Bulbine (Eng) Geelkatstert (Afr) Ibhucu (Zulu) Intelezi (Xhosa)07 nov, 2012

Gladiolus ochroleucusTriangular gladiolus (Eng) Pypie (Afr)07 nov, 2012

Gladiolus ochroleucusTriangular gladiolus (Eng) Pypie (Afr)07 nov, 2012

Sphenostylis angustifolia Wild sweet-pea (Eng) Wilde-ertjie (Afr)07 nov, 2012

Sphenostylis angustifolia Wild sweet-pea (Eng) Wilde-ertjie (Afr)07 nov, 2012

Haemanthus albiflosPaintbrush, White Blood-lily (Eng) Poederkwast (Ned) Witpoeierkwas (Afr) Uzaneke (Zulu)06 nov, 2012

Haemanthus albiflosPaintbrush, White Blood-lily (Eng) Poederkwast (Ned) Witpoeierkwas (Afr) Uzaneke (Zulu)06 nov, 2012

Haemanthus albiflosPaintbrush, White Blood-lily (Eng) Poederkwast (Ned) Witpoeierkwas (Afr) Uzaneke (Zulu)06 nov, 2012

Kniphofia linearifoliaCommon Marsh Poker (Eng) Vuurpyl (Afr) Vuurpijl (Ned) Icacane (Zulu)06 nov, 2012
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