Laatste toevoegingen - Flowers yellow/green |

Sanchezia speciosaLarge-bract Sanchezia, Shrubby Whitevein (Eng)17 sep, 2022

Bulbophyllum; B. angustifoliumNarrow-Leafed Bulbophyllum (Eng)17 sep, 2022

Bulbophyllum; B. angustifoliumNarrow-Leafed Bulbophyllum (Eng)17 sep, 2022

Rubus lineatusBramble, Silky-leaved Berry (Eng)20 jul, 2019

Limnocharis flavaYellow Sawah Lettuce (Eng) Genjer (Ind) 07 dec, 2016

Limnocharis flavaYellow Sawah Lettuce (Eng) Genjer (Ind) 07 dec, 2016

Stelechocarpus buraholKepel Apple (Eng) Kepel (Ind) - fruits07 dec, 2016

Stelechocarpus buraholKepel Apple (Eng) Kepel (Ind) - young fruits07 dec, 2016

Stelechocarpus buraholKepel Apple (Eng) Kepel (Ind) - flower on trunk (cauliflory)07 dec, 2016

Grammatophyllum speciosumTiger Orchid, Queen of Orchids (Eng) Anggrek Raksasa (Ind) 05 dec, 2016

Impatiens sp.Jewelweed, Touch-me-not (Eng)03 dec, 2016

Globba; G. atrosanguineaDancing Lady Ginger (Eng)02 dec, 2016

Globba; G. atrosanguineaDancing Lady Ginger (Eng)02 dec, 2016

Ludwigia peruvianaPeruvian Primrose (Eng)02 dec, 2016

Rhododendron sessilifolium02 dec, 2016

Rhododendron sessilifolium02 dec, 2016

Tithonia diversifoliaMarigold, Mexican Sunflower (Eng) Kembang Bulan, Daun Paitan (Ind) 01 dec, 2016

Tithonia diversifoliaMarigold, Mexican Sunflower (Eng) Kembang Bulan, Daun Paitan (Ind) 01 dec, 2016

Crotalaria sp.Rattlepod (Eng)01 dec, 2016

Crotalaria sp.Rattlepod (Eng)01 dec, 2016

Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn, Mexican Palo Verde (Eng)01 dec, 2016

Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn, Mexican Palo Verde (Eng)01 dec, 2016

Globba schomburgkiiYellow Dancing Girl Ginger (Eng)01 dec, 2016

Senna alataRingworm Bush, Candle Bush (Eng) Ketepeng cina (Ind)30 nov, 2016

Trimezia martinicensisYellow Walking Iris (Eng)29 nov, 2016

Heliconia hirsutaPlatanillo Fosforito (Sp)29 nov, 2016

Heliconia hirsutaPlatanillo Fosforito (Sp)29 nov, 2016

Heliconia caribaeaWild Plantain, Caribbean Heliconia (Eng) Platanillo (Sp) - Yellow type29 nov, 2016

Heliconia caribeaYellow type29 nov, 2016

Heliconia subulataGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng) 29 nov, 2016

Heliconia subulataGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng) 29 nov, 2016

Heliconia subulataGuatemalan Bird of Paradise (Eng) 29 nov, 2016
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