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Home > Plants and flowers > Australia > Flowers green/brown/inconspicous, leaves/fruits

Xylomelum angustifolium
Sandplain Woody Pear (Eng) - fruit
Keywords: Plant;Boom;Proteaceae;vrucht

Xylomelum angustifolium

Sandplain Woody Pear (Eng) - fruit

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File information
Album name:martheijnens / Flowers green/brown/inconspicous, leaves/fruits
Keywords:Plant / Boom / Proteaceae / vrucht
Photonumber, location and date:201588843, Australia/Western Australia/Geraldton Sandplains/Kalbarri NP, 09-08-2015
Habitat:Sand soils, drought tolerant.
Flowering time:December - January
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to Australia; distribution is restricted to the southwestern corner of Western Australia (Geraldton Saandplains, Avon Wheatbelt).
Filesize:705 KiB
Date added:Dec 10, 2019
Dimensions:1200 x 900 pixels
Displayed:19 times
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