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Beginpagina > Plants and flowers > Europe > Flowers blue, lila, violet

Viola riviniana
Common Dog-violet, Wood Violet (Eng) Bosviooltje (Ned) Hain-Veilchen (Ger)
Trefwoorden: Plant;bosplant;Violaceae;Bloem;blauw

Viola riviniana

Common Dog-violet, Wood Violet (Eng) Bosviooltje (Ned) Hain-Veilchen (Ger)

Album naam:martheijnens / Flowers blue, lila, violet
Trefwoorden:Plant / bosplant / Violaceae / Bloem / blauw
Photonumber, location and date:201314612, Netherlands/Utrecht/Amelisweerd, 07-05-2013
Habitat:Woodland edges, grassland and shady hedge banks. It is found in all soils except acid or very wet.
Flowering time:April - June
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to Eurasia and Africa.
Bestandsgrootte:148 KiB
Datum toegevoegd:07 mei, 2013
Afmetingen:1200 x 900 pixels
Weergegeven:18 keer
Favorieten:Toevoegen aan favorieten