Meest bekeken - Flowers pink/purple |

Mussaenda philippica11 x bekekenQueen Sirkit Mussaenda Eng)

Lagerstroemia speciosa11 x bekekenPride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle (Eng) जरूल Jarul (Hin) جرول Jarul (Urdu) Koninginnebloem (Ned)

Lagerstroemia speciosa11 x bekekenPride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle (Eng) जरूल Jarul (Hin) جرول Jarul (Urdu) Koninginnebloem (Ned)

Prunus cerasoides11 x bekekenWild Himalayan Cherry (Eng) Padam (Hin)

Prunella vulgaris11 x bekekenCommon Self-Heal (Eng)

Elephantopus scaber11 x bekekenElephant Foot (Eng) Samdudri (Hin)

Sopubia delphinifolia11 x bekekenCommon Sopubia (Eng)

Mimosa pudica10 x bekekenTouch-me-not (Eng) Kruidje-roer-mij-niet (Ned) Chui-mui (Hin)

Roscoea purpurea10 x bekekenPurple Roscoe Lily, Roscoe's Lily (Eng) रसगरी Rasagaree (Nep)

Roscoea purpurea10 x bekekenPurple Roscoe Lily, Roscoe's Lily (Eng) रसगरी Rasagaree (Nep)

Prunus cerasoides10 x bekekenWild Himalayan Cherry (Eng) Padam (Hin)

Saurauia napaulensis10 x bekekenGogan (Eng) Goganda (Hin) Gogan (Nep)

Ipomoea purpurea10 x bekekenCommon Morning Glory, Purple Morning Glory (Eng) Blauwe Winde (Ned)

Prunella vulgaris10 x bekekenCommon Self-Heal (Eng)

Elephantopus scaber10 x bekekenElephant Foot (Eng) Samdudri (Hin)

Oenothera rosea10 x bekekenPink Evening Primrose (Eng) Roze Teunisbloem (Ned)

Oenothera rosea10 x bekekenPink Evening Primrose (Eng) Roze Teunisbloem (Ned)

Persicaria capitata10 x bekekenPink Knotweed (Eng) रत्नाउले झार Ratnyaule jhar (Nep)

Nicotiana tabacum9 x bekekenTobacco (Eng) Tabak (Ned) Tambaakuu (Urdu) तम्बाकू Tambaku (Hin)

Geranium nepalense9 x bekekenNepal Geranium, Nepalese Crane's Bill (Eng) भण्डा Bhanda (Hin) चुनित्रो घाँस Chunitro ghans (Nep)

Impatiens glandulifera9 x bekekenHimalayan Balsam (Eng)

Lagerstroemia speciosa9 x bekekenPride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle (Eng) जरूल Jarul (Hin) جرول Jarul (Urdu) Koninginnebloem (Ned)

Osbeckia octandra9 x bekekenEight Stamen Osbeckia (Eng)

Vigna vexillata9 x bekekenZombi Pea (Eng) Janglee Mung (Hin)

Vigna vexillata9 x bekekenZombi Pea (Eng) Janglee Mung (Hin)

Solanum seaforthianum9 x bekekenBrazilian Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade (Eng)

Persicaria glabra9 x bekekenDenseflower Knotweed (Eng)

Persicaria nepalensis9 x bekekenNepal Knotweed (Eng) Machan-pilu, Kangany (Hin)

Saurauia napaulensis9 x bekekenGogan (Eng) Goganda (Hin) Gogan (Nep)

Luculia gratissima9 x bekekenPleasant Luculia (Eng) Ban Kangiyo (Nep)

Verbena aristigera9 x bekekenSouth American Mock Vervain, Moss Verbena (Eng)

Impatiens balsamina9 x bekekenGarden Balsam, Rose Balsam (Eng) गुल मेहेंदी Gul-mehndi (Hin)
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