File information |
Filename: | 201611092.jpg |
Album name: | martheijnens / Flowers white |
Keywords: | Plant / Asparagaceae / Bloem / wit |
Photonumber, location and date: | 201611092, Malawi/Nkhata Bay/Mayoka Village surr. [S 11 36 43.7 E034 18 15.2], 01-02-2016 |
Habitat: | Seasonally dry tropical climate. |
Flowering time: | At the start of the monsoon. |
Origin/distribution, remarks: | Native range: Nigeria to Eritrea and Tanzania, Central & S. India to Myanmar. The leaves and roots are edible. Cultivated as an ornamental. |
Filesize: | 309 KiB |
Date added: | Aug 19, 2022 |
Dimensions: | 1600 x 1200 pixels |
Displayed: | 35 times |
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Favorites: | Add to Favorites |