File information |
Filename: | 201411494.jpg |
Album name: | martheijnens / Falconiformes, Accipitriformes |
Keywords: | Bird / Accipitriformes / Accipitridae |
Photonumber, location and date: | 201411494, India/Madhya Pradesh/Orchha surr., 15-02-2014 |
Habitat: | Occuring mainly on dry plains and lower hills. Scavenger. |
Origin/distribution, remarks: | Found from southwestern Europe and northern Africa to India. This picture shows probably the subspecies ginginianus which occurs on the Indian Continent only. |
Filesize: | 642 KiB |
Date added: | Mar 05, 2017 |
Dimensions: | 1200 x 900 pixels |
Displayed: | 27 times |
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Favorites: | Add to Favorites |