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Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish Eagle (Eng) Afrikaanse Zeearend (Ned) Visarend (Afr) - in flight
Keywords: Bird;Falconiformes;Accipitridae

Haliaeetus vocifer

African Fish Eagle (Eng) Afrikaanse Zeearend (Ned) Visarend (Afr) - in flight

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File information
Album name:martheijnens / Falconiformes, Accipitriformes
Keywords:Bird / Falconiformes / Accipitridae
Photonumber, location and date:201045652, Malawi/Chembe, 17-08-2010
Habitat:The African fish eagle feeds mainly on fish. It is the national bird of Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Sudan.
Origin/distribution, remarks:Throughout sub-Saharan Africa wherever large bodies of open water occur that have an abundant food supply.
Filesize:674 KiB
Date added:Feb 26, 2017
Dimensions:1200 x 900 pixels
Displayed:31 times
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