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Home > Plants and flowers > Western Asia & Caucasus - Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan > Flowers green/brown/inconspicious, leaves/fruits

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Contracted Cotton-rose, Compact Cudweed (Eng) Dichtköpfiges Filzkraut (Ger) פִילָגוֹן קָפוּץ (Hbr)
Keywords: Plant;Asteraceae

Filago contracta

Contracted Cotton-rose, Compact Cudweed (Eng) Dichtköpfiges Filzkraut (Ger) פִילָגוֹן קָפוּץ (Hbr)

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File information
Album name:martheijnens / Flowers green/brown/inconspicious, leaves/fruits
Keywords:Plant / Asteraceae
Photonumber, location and date:200920458, Palestine/Westbank/Nahhalin/Daoud Nasser's Farm [N 31 40 40.5 E035 08 03.1], 06-04-2009
Habitat:Dry open shrubby vegetation, fallow fields
Flowering time:March, April
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus.
Filesize:202 KiB
Date added:Jan 10, 2017
Dimensions:1200 x 900 pixels
Displayed:24 times
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