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Beginpagina > Plants and flowers > Southeast Asia - Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor L'este > Flowers white/cream

Coccinia grandis
Ivy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Eng) Tindola, Papasan (Ned) Tamleung (Thai)
Trefwoorden: Plant;Cucurbitaceae;Bloem;wit;cultuurgewas

Coccinia grandis

Ivy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd (Eng) Tindola, Papasan (Ned) Tamleung (Thai)

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Album naam:martheijnens / Flowers white/cream
Trefwoorden:Plant / Cucurbitaceae / Bloem / wit / cultuurgewas
Photonumber, location and date:201465107, Thailand/Mukdahan surr., 17-07-2014
Habitat:Deciduous bush, savannah, dry evergreen forest and thickets.
Origin/distribution, remarks:Ivy Gourd is found in Africa, Southeast Asia and also in Australia. As it is widely cultivated its origin is not clear. In Thailand its fruit is an ingredient in kaeng khae curry.
Bestandsgrootte:137 KiB
Datum toegevoegd:25 nov, 2016
Afmetingen:1200 x 900 pixels
Weergegeven:9 keer
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